Hello WordPress!

I was going to leave this blog titled “Hello World” but I don’t know if that’s going to be the case.  I’ve heard about WordPress and had actually opted to start with a tumblr account instead at first.  I still don’t know if I’ll like WordPress, but we shall see…

I do like the input box here, the font is easier to read than on Myspace, the site I originally started blogging on.  I’ll tell you, once you get started blogging, it can be addictive.

I feel myself evolving right now into another person…not a different person, but maybe a more adult person.  I remember going through different “stages” in my life.  One when I turned 17 and was able to drive.  The next was 18, not such a biggie for me really because I was still in and out of my mom’s house at that point.  Then there was 21!! Woo hoo, wow those were some fun times, or at least I think they were?  jk   I actually didn’t start drinking much until 23…the next change in my life.

Then came 25…this was a biggie.  I uprooted my entire existence *a total of 6 bags* and moved with my (then) boyfriend to Florida from NJ.  That’s where this life I’m in began…and now I feel like there is another one in store for me in the very near future.

Join me on the journey of this change in my life.  Subscribe and please feel free to leave a link of your own personal blog.  🙂

My posts will range from recipes to stories, from good deals to everyday musings.   I will also have a private list, if that’s possible here…hence the reason I didn’t leave the title of the blog “Hello World”  It may just be “Hello few close friends and readers”….we’ll see as the time comes.

Add me on Myspace too 🙂

About Jen

I'm a stay-at-home mom and have a total of five children.
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9 Responses to Hello WordPress!

  1. Eric Brooks says:

    If you are interested, I made a script so that I can convert MySpace blogs to wordpress. Not sure if it will work here though, you would need access to the database.

    • Jen says:

      Idk if I can or not, I got as far as customizing the smileys and the background, making the header and then that was it for me, that took a while! (Well I was doing a million other things at the same time too soooo)

      Shelli was actually the first to comment, but apparently I’m an idiot *I never ever read instructions on websites* and I deleted the comment from my dashboard thinking it was like an email thing, but then it had disappeared from my blog too, lol. I am still trying to figure out how to make it so I don’t have to approve comments!!

      Let me know what I would have to do in a simple instruction for dummy format for me and I’ll definitely transfer my blogs over, ALL of them….and I have quite a lot on the old page…it’s even got the archive from the first page. 😛

  2. Eric Brooks says:

    Aw come on! Let a guy have his delusions of being first here. LOL!

  3. Darlene says:

    I use blogspot. I find it very easy to post, etc. I also signed up for tumblr, but I found it confusing, so I never posted there. I suppose I should go and delete it. I like music on my page and I was able to put music on blogspot. I should go there now and then…LOL

    • Jen says:

      I kind of like it here….of course it’s only been one post!! I guess we’ll see if I stick with it. I do like that I can get my own domain through here. I am seriously considering my own site so I can do and say whatever I want!!

      • Shelli says:

        If you do get your own domain here, you can put whatever you want on your blog. And you can format it exactly the way you want. I just can’t afford to do that right now, or I would.

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